Any spend for a business will have to be balanced against the return on investment. Return on investment may be quantified in many different ways such as: increased subscribers, new leads or ultimately a sales increase.
To maximise your investment with any marketing you should balance longevity and quality. This is where video excels; if you take the right approach with video you use it for several years, maybe even more. Comparatively using print, radio campaign or online ads for the same time frame would cost thousands more.
3 Tips to make video work for you as long as possible.
Make sure you have the most recent branding: making a film and then re branding within 3-6 months will stop the film being relevant. So if you know you have a rebrand coming up then wait until it’s sorted.
Try not to date the film: saying you’ll be implementing change within the next few months, once again after that time part of the film would be irrelevant. Consider exciting opportunities but maybe consider the details you cover.
Think about the time of year of release: is your product a winter product or summer product, you can use it each year if you set the background to match.
In fact speaking to a client recently – they had 5 films made for them around 7 years ago and the films are still getting them customers.
Film and video compared with other forms of marketing, may have a bigger upfront cost, but made correctly will work for you much longer.
To unlock the power of video for your marketing.