Video is quickly becoming one of the most powerful marketing tools available to businesses. With the rise of social media and the availability of video content, businesses now have the opportunity to reach a much wider audience than ever before. In comparison to other methods of advertising such as newspapers, radio, and magazines - video provides a more engaging and effective way to reach potential customers.

Video content works so well as it can be easily consumed and can be more emotionally resonant than other forms of media. How often have you found an article in a magazine or newspaper, cut it out and shared it with friends and family? How often have you heard an advert on the radio and then looked it up, or shared it with someone you know? But across social media, people are sharing videos with friends and family every single day, perhaps even several times a day. The interconnectivity allows for a message to spread like wildfire. As human’s we generally learn best through visual mediums. We like to see images and videos, we can engage with data more effectively in graphs or charts. If we can make content more visually appealing then people are more likely to click, or to share with a friend. If you can capture your audience’s interest; they are more likely to read on, to fill out your form or follow your call to action.

Remember that customers are busy, they want the information required to make their purchase and they will need it quick and efficiently. Finding an article on the radio, or in a magazine, may require for them to actively search out the means of purchase in the future, or to have to find more information. But the time that a customer is spent searching social media you can have the videos with clickable links in the description. You are able to empower your customers by giving them not only the information that they require but the means to purchase it as well.
Most people are on some kind of social media or another, or will look to a search engine like Google when trying to find information. Videos on your website will make your website rank higher on Google making it easier for you to be found by potential customers. Comparing with social media, not everyone listens to the radio or reads the newspaper so you may find that your potential opportunities are being missed.

Analytics for websites and videos will give you a clear idea of how your content is performing. Where it is receiving views or purchases and gives you ideas of how to improve your contents engagement. Whereas when purchasing advertising through older means, they may be able to tell you about the listeners or magazines sold, but how that actually converted to sales for your business or how you may adapt you’re marketing for the future may in fact be harder to adapt and improve.
A downside with video is that the initial campaign can be more expensive than that of a magazine article or radio advert, but once you have a video made you may use it in multiple different ways without further cost. But compared with radio or magazine advertising you have ongoing costs that over the year, which can build to costing more than a video.
Gaining a return on your investment with any advertising is the key. Video marketing gives you a brilliant way to engage potential customers, capturing their attention and taking them through to the next stage of your sales process. Analytics can give you actionable feedback on how your film is being received and give you ideas of how to improve its reach. You can empower your audience will all the information they need at their finger tips to make an informed purchase. The power of video can be unlocked for a fixed cost, with no need for continuous monthly payments which can soon add up.
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Great article! I agree that video advertising has many advantages over traditional advertising methods such as radio and newspapers. However, one of the biggest challenges with video advertising is creating high-quality videos that will attract the attention of your audience. To solve this problem, I recommend using screen recorder. With Screen recorder, you can easily create engaging and informative videos showcasing your products or services https://www.movavi.com/screen-recorder-mac/.